Thursday, July 20, 2006

Updated pictures of the house

Here is our kitchen now. I think it looks a bit more "homey" than before. We found the kitchen table at an antique emporium (fancy name for a flea market) and it is one of those expandable tables, which is nice. I am thinking a rug under the table area would like nice (what do you think). I still need to spruce up the walls a bit but it's getting there!


Here is part of our unruly backyard. We welcome all suggestions on how to tame this beast and make it look pretty! Thanks :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So Mark and I are taking care of my parent's dog, Bailey, this week while they are out of town. I love Bailey to death. He has been around half my life and has been a great dog. However, he is very needy, especially since he is in his 70's now (in dog years). Instead of roaming from room to room with my dad, he has latched on to Mark and travels with him everywhere. So, we have become really good at tip-toeing around the house so he doesn't wake up. Because once he is up, the whole back end moves. That tail goes around like a pinwheel and hits everything in sight. We also tried letting him outside without a leash to go the bathroom real quick when it is 10 pm or 5 am. so we wouldn't have to go out in the rain or in our pjs. However, he ended up at the front door of the neighbor's house, wagging his tail. Poor dog. So, we will humor him for 3 more days and give him lots of hugs and dog cookies!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

New house pics coming soon...

Hello hello! Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. I had a super bad migraine and have yet to find any medicine that will knock it out of me! Anyway, there has been a request for more pics of the house. As soon as I get my camera back from my parent's house, I will take some and get them on here! Thanks for all the comments! Love, K

Monday, July 10, 2006

It's a Good Day!

Today was a good day! Here are my reasons why:

I finally got to see pictures of my cousins brand new baby! Very exciting!

I also got to talk to Kimmie, my favorite Vietnamese in California :) It is SUCH a small world. I happened to mention that I had read a book called "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky" and it turns out that one of the men who wrote it (Alepho Deng) lives in the dorm room above her!! She works for University of Dreams and he is in one of their programs right now. Amazing! So she said I can send my book and she will get him to autograph it. Very neat! I wish I could run out to Cali for a weekend to visit her. I have never seen California before so it would definitely be neat. Oh well, some day!

I got to pick raspberries from my very own backyard! They are finally ripe and tasted soo good!

I got to talk to Amber for .25 seconds. She is away in Massachusetts visiting with my family. My mom said she got to go to the beach and read books with my Nan, had lobster for dinner, etc. I'm really glad that she is spending some time with them so that she will have some good memories like I do of my childhood in Massachusetts. :)

I had a sit down dinner with my husband that he made for us. Baked chicken, corn on the cob, mac and cheese and green beans. Very tasty!

I had time to walk/run 2 miles at the gym. I ALWAYS feel better after I get a workout in and was hoping I didn't have to stay late at work today!

That's all! To be continued tomorrow :)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Li Leger

Hey Heather (cousin Heather),
I just had to show you the painting that I have in my computer room. See, even though we are miles and miles apart, we still both have similar taste...aka great taste in paintings! haha. Anyway, hope you are settling in to your new place. I want to see more pictures. Love, Kristin

Happy 4th of July...late

I hope everyone had a fantastic July 4th! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has left comments on the blog. It makes it so much more fun for some reason. I like hearing from people :) Anyway, I meant to catch everyone up on the job situation. I am not out of a job quite yet. We protested the decision that FEMA made and they obliged with a "stop work order" on the new contract, which means that our contract is extended until they look into it further and figure out what their final decision is. Which, long story short, means I should have a job until at least October, if not longer. Yay! So that was a bit of a relief! Sorry to keep you hanging on that one. I meant to get back on here before now. Not too much else new...sorry, pretty boring blog today but I will write again soon...