Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The "after" pictures of the kitchen

I know it has taken a long time for me to get these kitchen pictures up but every time I thought to take a picture, it just didn't seem clean enough. So here it is! Right after Mark and I cleaned it. If you compare it with the old house pictures, the walls are a much calmer color instead of that peachy color and we like it much better!

A good day!

To catch everyone up a little, I found out last week that my manager is moving to North Carolina to be closer to her family. So, she wanted to know if I was interested in taking her place. Today we met with the big boss and he offered me the position. Very exciting! I'm a bit nervous but I think it would be kind of weird if I wasn't!! It will be a lot of work but I think I am ready to tackle it. I'm just praying that we don't get slammed with 5 big hurricanes in a row or something. It would be nice to be able to ease into the position a little bit! Anyway, that's it! Pray for me! :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Amber's back to school shopping

Not much new to report here but I did get some pictures of Amber trying out her new school clothes she got with Nana and Papa. Here is one of her many stylish outfits. Too funny! She is real shy-can't you tell!?